Dear friends

Estonian Motivational Interviewing and Training Association (EMITA) is happy to invite you to a MI conference on 30th of September 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia.

The conference will take different views on supporting autonomy in MI.

Denise Ernst, PhD, will be focusing on measurement and language of autonomy support in her presentation “Measuring Autonomy Support; Is it possible?”

Patrick Berthiaume will introduce how to build and improve autonomy during an intervention in his presentation “Supporting autonomy: how to amplify the potential of freedom and confidence in our own choices to change”

David S. Prescott, LICSW, will talk about autonomy  in criminal justice in his presentation “Supporting Autonomy with People in Criminal Justice”

Clive Tobutt will talk about which setting is best to undertake a rigorous RCT of motivational interviewing brief interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in hazardous drinkers for young people? “Autonomy in motivational interviewing brief intervention”

Mark Farrall, PhD, will take a closer look to what neurology tells us regarding brain systems in his presentation “Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flop: Autonomy in MI and the What the Brain Tells Us”

Participation fee for early birds (until 31.07.2017) is 50 euros, from 01.08.-30.09. 60 euros. The conference is free for MINT members. In case you already know that you are coming, please sign up HERE.  If you have any questions, please write to

Please find the conference timetable HERE. Click on the title of the presentation to read the abstract and short biography of the presenter.

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